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Reviewed December, 2023
International Association of Clinical Research Nurses
Association Bylaws

Bylaws Document Reviewed December, 2023

Article I: Association Name

The Name of this corporation is the International Association of Clinical Research Nurses, Inc. (hereafter

referred to as the “Association” or “IACRN”). IACRN is incorporated in the State of Wisconsin as an

IRS code 501(c6) non-profit organization.

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of IACRN is to provide a mechanism for clinical research nurses to promote excellence in the

nursing management of research participants through research, education, collaboration, and dissemination

of best practices.

Article III: Officers

Section One: The officers are the President, President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers must be

members in good standing of the Association. These officers shall sit on the Board of Directors and shall

perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the


Section Two: The officers shall be elected for 2 year terms or until their successors are elected. Their term

of office shall begin on January 1. No member shall be eligible to serve more than 2 consecutive terms in

the same office. It is acceptable to create one-year terms of office, combine offices, and stagger election

years. The President-elect shall assume the role of President at the end of his or her term, therefore no

regular election for President will occur.

Section Three: The Board of Directors will solicit nominations for officers. Voting may be electronic or by

paper ballot. Nominees must run for one position only.

Section four: In the event the office of President becomes vacant, the President-elect shall serve as President

for the unexpired term. Vacancies of unexpired terms in other offices shall be filled by selection from the

membership by the Board of Directors.

Section five: The Board of Directors shall control and direct the affairs of the Association; determine its

policies; execute its purposes; administer its funds; and shall perform such other duties as are specified in

these bylaws. The Board has no power which is not given to them by the bylaws and shall take no actions

that conflict with the mission of the Association.

Article IV: Meetings

Section One: General membership meetings will be held at a minimum of one time per year. New business

items must be presented to the Board of Directors four weeks prior to the scheduled meeting, to be

considered for the agenda.

Section Two: Ten percent (10%) of the membership of the Association shall constitute a quorum for bylaw

changes, amendments, or voting on Association business.

Section three: Voting may be held electronically if the Board of Directors has voted to allow such an action.

Section four: The rules contained in the current edition of The Modern Rules of Order, shall govern the

Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these

bylaws, and any special rules of order of the Association.

Article V: Amendments

Amendments may be proposed by a group representing at least ten members or by the Board of Directors.

Article VI: Review of Bylaws

The bylaws will be reviewed by the Board of Directors a minimum of every three years.

Article VII: Dissolution

If this Association is dissolved at any time, its assets shall be distributed to similar not-for-profit organizations to be selected by the Board of Directors.

Article VIII: Indemnification

To the extent allowed by law, when an officer or board member is sued in their capacity as an officer or board member, the Corporation may indemnify them for all fees, costs, and attorney fees associated with their defense, to the capacity of the Association.

International Association of Clinical Research Nurses

PO Box 7
Mullica Hill, NJ 08062, USA
(609) 519-9689 (Phone)

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